Jessica Thompson, R.N.
Mom of 5
Haley Crowell, OT
Mom of 2
Hannah Ellis, Doula
Mom of 4
Jon Wilson, CPA
Dad of 2
Debra Harris, R.N.
Rebecca Gonzalez, R.N.
Mom of 4
Kionna Lewis
Mom of 3, Student, and Blogger
Safer Birth In Bama Position Statements
While we respect all mothers we DO NOT promote or endorse the practice of FREE BIRTH, UNASSISTED BIRTH, or BIRTH ATTENDED BY AN UNLICENSED non-credentialed provider.
We recognize OB/GYN’s, Family Practice Obstetricians, Certified Nurse Midwives, Certified Midwives, and Certified Professional Midwives with a Midwifery Education Accreditation Council (M.E.A.C) approved education as highly skilled and qualified care providers during the birth process. We also acknowledge that when these providers are well integrated patient continuity and necessary transfers of care are optimized.
OUR POSITION ON CESAREAN SECTIONS (Elected, Emergency, Preventable, VBAC) : ALL MOTHERS deserve support, respect, and high quality care.
Elective Cesareans: While we do not promote major abdominal surgery as a preferred choice for childbirth, we would expect that thorough informed consent, and the most up to date, evidence based, baby friendly techniques be offered in an elective cesarean just as we would an unmedicated vaginal delivery.
Emergency Cesareans:These are traumatic and we honor and respect those mothers who have surgically given birth to their precious children for the sake of preserving one or both of their lives. We also uphold a thankful attitude for the physicians that have assisted during these emergencies. We acknowledge the emotional and physical strain on both parties with the utmost respect.
Preventable Cesareans: We believe based on current research that there are many factors that contribute to the likelihood of a preventable cesarean section. Early inductions, early interventions during labor, movement restrictions, continuous fetal monitoring, and the timing of an epidural may all be contributing factors. Discuss with your healthcare provider ways to reduce your rate of interventions so that your chances of a cesarean are reduced.
VBACS: We stand with ACOG’s 2010 recommendations
“Attempting a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) is a safe and appropriate choice for most women who have had a prior cesarean delivery, including for some women who have had two previous cesareans, according to guidelines released today by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.” Consult with your physician or midwife to determine if you meet criteria for a VBAC.
Statement of Support
By supporting Safer Birth in Bama I affirm that:
SBB Official Statement of Support-2 (pdf)
DownloadSafer Birth in Bama formed as a 501(c)3 non-profit in 2015.
Jessica Thompson, a registered nurse and her husband Dr. Jeremy Thompson laid the foundation for Safer Birth in Bama in 2015. They founded with the mission to increase access to care and improve outcomes through education about the importance of not only access to care, but access to high quality evidence based care in and out of hospitals across the state for birthing mothers. The Thompsons have 5 biological children. 3 of the 5 were born outside of a hospital facility.
As medical professionals the Thompsons see the importance of filling in the gaps in care. Alabama mothers specifically face hurdles to access certified midwifery care in and out of the hospital and while that is a matter of preference many others lack proper access to an obstetrician within a safe driving distance as well as a safe place to deliver. Only 28 of 67 Counties in Alabama currently have a hospital where a woman could deliver. That is a problem.
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